5月28日-6月5日时新知识环境温度ambient temperatures
核心体温core temperature
深度睡眠deep sleep
欣喜若狂over the moon
非常高兴be on cloud nine
欧洲安全框架European security architecture
零关税优惠政策zero-tariff preferentialpolicy
大规模枪击案a massiveshooting
摆烂Let it rot
NBA选秀制the NBA draft
创伤后应激障碍PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder
封控区closed-offmanagement areas
管控区restrictive control areas
防范区prevention areas
推动外贸保稳提质ensure steady and high-quality growth in foreign trade
货运代理公司logistics andfreight forwardingenterprises
跨境电商cross-border e-commerce
短期出口信用保险short-term export creditinsurance
人民币汇率renminbi exchange rate
卢浮宫博物馆The Louvre Museum
中华文明探源工程project to tracethe originsof Chinese civilization
道法自然、天人合一following therules of nature and uniting human anduniverse
文明交流互鉴exchanges and mutual learningamong civilizations
文化遗产cultural heritage
消费者价格指数Consumer PriceIndex (CPI)
生产者价格指数Producer PriceIndex (PPI)
扩张性货币和财政政策expansionary monetary and fiscal policies
广义货币供应量broad moneysupply
潮汐能tidal power
可再生能源装机容量the installedcapacity of renewable energy
无人机检测技术unmanned aerial vehicleinspectiontechnology
海洋能资源marine energyresources
深化医药卫生体制改革further reformof the medical and health caresystem
医药分开separate medical treatment anddrug sales
农村人居环境整治提升rural livingenvironment upgrade
培育文明乡风cultivate social etiquetteand civility
建设美丽宜人、业兴人和的社会主义新乡村build a new socialistcountryside that is beautiful,prosperous andharmonious
乡村振兴rural vitalization
农业农村现代化modernizationof agricultureand rural areas
公共卫生体系public healthsystem
神舟十四号载人飞船Shenzhou-14 crewed spaceship
中国载人航天工程办公室the ChinaManned SpaceEngineering Office
酒泉卫星发射中心Jiuquan SatelliteLaunch Center
东非大裂谷Great Rift Valley
配套设施the supportinginfrastructure
节日问候festive greetings
坚守初心使命stayed true toits original aspirationand mission
全面发展all-around development
中国儿童中心China NationalChildren'sCenter
增值税留抵退税政策value-added tax credit refund policy
缓解现金流紧张ease liquiditycrunches
错综复杂“very complicated或intricate and complex”例句:这个问题错综复杂。It is a complicatedproblem.这部小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜。The plot of thenovel is intricateand fascinating.
坐立不安“be fidgety or restless”,与英文习语“be ontenterhooks”意思相近,表示“waiting nervously forsomething tohappen”。例句:整个星期我都在坐立不安,等待结果出来。I've been on tenterhooks all week waitingfor the results.我父亲看起来坐立不安。My father seemedvery restless.
交头接耳“talk inwhispers,或 whisper toeach other”例句:两个小姑娘交头接耳嗤嗤笑着。The two littlegirls tittered and whispered to each other.
“大显身手”“ fully display one's talents,distinguish oneself或do a reallygood job”例句:你大显身手的时机到啦!Now's your chance to distinguishyourself.
闷闷不乐“feel depressed/moody,become sullen或feel a bit down”例句:别一副闷闷不乐的样子!Don't look somiserable!
应接不暇“too busy toattend to all”例句:顾客很多,售货员应接不暇。There wereso many customers that the shop assistantscouldn'tattend to them all.