梦天实验舱Mengtian space lab module
天宫空间站Tiangong space station
星际探测interplanetary exploration
近地轨道low-Earth orbit
新修订的畜牧法the newly revised Animal Husbandry Law
畜牧业animal husbandry
畜禽疫病防治prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases
草畜平衡balanced development between grassland and animal husbandry
高技能人才highly skilled talent
失业保险稳岗返还资金unemployment insurance refunds
就业优先政策pro-employment policies
基层职位grassroots-level vacancy
中文考试Chinese Language Proficiency Tests
申请退款ask for a refund
全额退款refund your money in full
货到支付尾款pay the balance on delivery
中华人民共和国“友谊勋章”the Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China
共和国勋章the Medal of the Republic
国家荣誉称号national titles of honor
功勋簿Book ofMerit
世界城市日全球主场活动Global Observance of World Cities Day
高质量发展high-quality development
绿色低碳发展green and low-carbon development
气候适应型社会climate-resilient society
黄河保护法law on Yellow River conservation
黄河文化Yellow River culture
黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin
车联网internet of vehicles
国家公路网national road network
智慧交通smart transport
交通强国a country with strong transportation network
自动驾驶车辆self-driving vehicle
高技能人才highly skilled talent
失业保险稳岗返还资金unemployment insurance refunds
就业优先政策pro-employment policies
基层职位grassroots-level vacancy
党和国家机构改革reform of Party and State institutions
服务型政府service-oriented government
简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers
转变政府职能transform government functions