风清气正的网络空间 | a clean and upright cyberspace | 网络治理 | cyberspacegovernance | 社会主义核心价值观 | the coresocialistvalues | 全球气候治理体系 | global climategovernancesystem | 气候适应型社会 | climate-resilientsociety | 海上风电场 | offshore wind farm | 钢轨铺设 | Track-layingwork | 海洋水文环境 | marine hydrological environment | 交通强国 | a countrywith greattransport strength | 牢记使命 | stick to the mission | 人民大会堂 | Great Hallof the People | 简政放权 | streamline administrationand delegatepowers | 高标准服务业开放制度体系 | high-standard opening-upsystem for servicesindustry | 跨境服务贸易 | cross-borderservices trade | 贸易和投资自由化便利化 | trade and investment liberalizationand facilitation | 以偏概全 | “以偏概全”,汉语成语,意思是用片面的观点看待整体问题,得出错误的结论。可以翻译为“take a partfor the whole,over-generalize”等。例句:我们不能抓住一个人的缺点,以偏概全,全盘否定。We shouldnot judge a person as totallyworthless onthe basis of his shortcomings. | 心烦意乱 | “心烦意乱”,汉语成语,形容心情烦躁,思绪纷乱。可以翻译为“be terriblyupset,beperturbed”等。例句:整个事件搞得我和未婚妻都心烦意乱。The whole incident hadupset me and my fianceeterribly.坏消息使他心烦意乱。The badnews upsethim. | 有求必应 | “有求必应”,汉语成语,意思是只要有人请求,就一定答应。形容容易答应人的请求、好说话。可以翻译为“respond toevery plea,grant whateveris requested”等。例句:对于你,我们会有求必应的。We are goingto cater to your everywish. | 万念俱灰 | “万念俱灰”,汉语成语,意思是所有的想法和打算都破灭了,形容极端灰心失望的心情。可以翻译为“abandon oneself to despair,be tired ofearthly life”等。例句:他妻子死后,他似乎万念俱灰。After hiswife’s death,he seemed to give himself overto despair. | 清一色 | “清一色”,汉语词语,意思是颜色的千篇一律,比喻全部由一种成分构成或全部一个样子。可以翻译为“all of thesame color, style, etc”。例句:这个委员会清一色由男子组成。The committee consists ofmale membersexclusively.穿着清一色的白衣服all dressed alike in white |