10月8日-10月16日 时新知识
人民币国际化 | renminbi internationalization | 数字货币 | digital currency | 货币篮子 | currency basket | 银行间外汇市场 | interbank foreign exchange market | 中德关系发展 | the development of China-Germany relations | 中德全方位战略伙伴关系 | China-Germany all-round strategic partnership | 双边合作 | bilateral cooperation | 中德建交50周年 | 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Germany | 有效发明专利 | valid invention patents | 知识产权 | intellectual property rights (IPR) | 创新力 | innovation power | 专利转让许可 | patent transfers and licenses | 先进天基太阳天文台 | Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) | 空间望远镜 | space telescope | 长征二号丁运载火箭 | a Long March-2D rocket | 太阳耀斑 | solar flares | 运载火箭 | carrier rocket | 新时代人才强国战略 | the strategy on developing a quality workforce in the new era | 高水平人才高地 | high-caliber talent hub | 高技能人才 | highly skilled talent | 中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会 | the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) | 人民大会堂 | the GreatHall of the People | 兴旺发达 | 汉语成语,意思是指事物或事业充分发展、欣欣向荣的景象。可以翻译为“thriving,prosperous and developed”等。例句:一个民族只有寄望青春、永葆青春,才能兴旺发达。A nation can thrive and prosper only when it places hopes on its youth and maintains its youthful vigor.我们的事业兴旺发达。Our cause is flourishing. | 朝气蓬勃 | 汉语成语,形容充满了生气和活力的样子。可以翻译为“be full of youthful spirit,be full of vigour and vitality”等。例句:朝气蓬勃的青年Vigorous youth这是一个自强不息、朝气蓬勃的青春民族。It is a youthful nation that continuously pursues self-improvement and remains vibrant. | 迎难而上 | 汉语成语,意思是就算遇到困难也不退缩,迎着困难去克服它。可以翻译为“brave difficulties,grasp the nettle”等。例句:如今,他似乎决心迎难而上。Now, He seems determined to grasp the nettle. | 源源不断 | 汉语成语,意思是接连不断、连绵不绝。可以翻译为“continuously,in a steady stream”等。例句:灵感源源不断Get a perennial inspiration石油通过这条输油管源源不断地流往北京。Through this pipeline, crude oil flows to Beijing in a steady stream. | “自相矛盾” | 汉语成语,比喻自己的言行前后抵触。可以翻译为“be self-contradictory,argue against oneself”等。例句:他的话自相矛盾。What he says is self-contradictory. |