3R economy:3R经济(Reduce, recycle, reuse) Reforestation:重新造林 UN security council:联合国安理会 千年发展计划:MDGS(Millennium Development Goals) 雷曼兄弟:Lehman Brothers 国家一二五计划:The State Plan 上海合作组织:SCO(ShangHai Cooperation Organization) 美联储:The Federal Reserve G20:20国集团 Confucius:孔子 Gaza Strip:加沙地带 quantitative easing:量化宽松货币政策 WTO:世界贸易组织 循环经济:Circular economy 天人合一:Theory that man is an integral part of nature 国富论:The Wealth of Nation 货币战争:Currency War 朝核危机:North Korea Nuclear Crisis The UK coalition government:英国联合政府 靖国神社:Yasukuni Shrine 钓鱼岛:Diaoyu Island 《日美安保条约》:Japan-us security treaty 人民币汇率政策:Exchange rate of RMB Policy 金砖四国:BRIC 居民消费价格指数:CPI 存款储备金率:Deposit reserve ratio 同比:year to year 上证综合指数:Shanghai composite index 环保低碳生活新理念:Environmental protection lowcarbon life new idea 金靴奖:Golden Shoe 世界足联:FIFA 辛亥革命:The Revolution of 1911 国台办: State Council Taiwan Affairs Office of cross-strait 君主专制制度:Autocratic monarchy 杜尚别:dushanbe OEM:原始设备制造商 Air France:法国航空公司 America Stock Exchange:美国证券交易所 United Nation Peacekeeping Forces:联合国维和部队 宏观调控:macro-control 公共卫生体系:The public health system 综合国力:Comprehensive national strength 商业贿赂:Commercial bribery 平等互利:Equality and mutual benefit 出口退税:export rebates 自主创新:self-dependent innovation 生态环境保护:Ecological environment protection 西部大开发:west development 私营经济:the private sector 海基会:StraitsExchange Foundation 上海公报:ShanghaiCommunique 儒林外史:TheScholars 国际先驱论坛报:InternationalHerald Tribune 海关总署:CustomsBureau Associate press:美联社 A Midsummer Night’s Dream:仲夏夜之梦 Inverse translation:逆向翻译 不可抗力:force majeure 实体经济:substantial economy 廉租房:low-rent housing 第三产业:tertiary industry GNP:国民生产总值 UNCF:联合国儿童基金会 linguafranca:通用语,混合语 poly systemtheory:多元系统理论 Intersemiotictranslation:符号翻译 转变政府职能:transform the government functions 民族先知:National prophets 生态补偿机制:a mechanism for ecological compensation 虚拟经济:fictitious economy UNEP:联合国环境规划署 Cockney:伦敦腔 聘礼:betrothal presents 针灸:acupuncture and moxibustion 双面绣:double-faced embroidery 重症监护病房:ICU 学龄前儿童:preschoolers 国有企业:state-owned business 半导体:semiconductor The NewYork Review of Books :纽约书评 Spinster:老处女 Defendant:被告
lump-sum contract:工程总承包合同
economic giant:经济大国
保税工厂:tariff factory
道家:Taoism GMT:格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time) GATT:关税暨贸易总协定(General Agreement onTariffs and Trade) 不良贷款:NPL(non-performing loan) CAAC:中国民用航空总局(General Administration ofCivil Aviation of China); CPPCC:中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference) purchasingpower parity:购买力平价 伪娘:cross-dresser 第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议:11 th National People's Congress third meeting
传销:pyramid selling currencyappreciation:货币升值 thebook of songs:诗经 thedivine comedy:神曲 术语:terminology
migrant rural labors:农村劳动力流动
weapons of massive destruction:大规模杀伤性武器
brain drain:人才流失
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