1.中国对美国的出口额 the volume of China’s export to the US 2.同比下降10% down by/fall by 10% year on year 3.连续五个月下降 drop for five months in a row 4.损人不利己 harm others and is of no benefit of itself 5.民生 people’s livelihood 6.产业链和供应链 industrial chains and supply chains 7.最惠国待遇 most-favored-nation treatment 8.争端解决机制 dispute settlement system 9.下单 place order 10.物流业logistics industry 11.花呗 Ant Credit Pay 12.互联网巨头Internet conglomerate/behemoth/titan/giant 13.终身问责 life-long accountability 14.进入万众创新时代 Usher in the era of innovation 15.薪酬保障salary guarantee
1.GSE=Government Sponsored Enterprise政府资助企业 2.Promotional event促销活动 3.Serious:extreme;large in amount Putting serious money into(将大量资金投入) Expect serious returns(获得丰厚回报) 4.Have plenty to fret about有很多值得担心的问题、 5.The labour market is nobbling劳动力市场动荡 6.to pin down interest rates 来固定利率 7.micro credit小额信贷 8.proactive fiscal policy积极的财政政策 9.non-tariff trade barriers非关税贸易壁垒 10.cost performance 性价比 文化类:
1.Courtesy calls for reciprocity礼尚往来 2.Ones sows and another reaps前人栽树后人乘凉 3.Home truths令人不愉快的事实:An uncomfortable or unpleasant fact, esp. One that is hard to hear or acknowledge(often used in the plural) 4.official stereotyped writing 八股文 5.Shanghai Fortress 上海堡垒 6.cultural continuity文化传承 7.classic articles featuring traditional Chinese culture反映中国传统文化的经典名篇
1.盘古开天辟地 Pan Gu separated the heaven and the earth 2.中国文明的摇篮 the cradle of Chinese civilization 3.诸子百家 the Hundred Schools of Thought 4.和而不同 harmony in diversity 5.四十不惑life begins at forty 6.历史文化博大精深 profound history and extensive culture 7.文物宝库 a treasure house of cultural relics 8.崇洋媚外blind worshipping of foreign things 9.民歌folk music