【翻译热词打卡】第二周~! 不要等明天,明天太遥远,今天就行动!
热词,是翻译硕士百科知识考研常考的重要内容,很多学校都会结合热点热词进行命题,解决热词刻不容缓!从今天开始小番薯带着大家每周打卡翻译热词,搞定热词稳操胜券!每周一不见不散哦!热词打卡第二周!中轴线保护Central Axis protection
中华五千年文明the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization
文化软实力cultural soft power
文物保护利用protection and utilization of cultural relics
冬季体育活动winter sports activities
双奥之城dual-Olympic city
奥林匹克精神the Olympic spirit
出境团队旅游Outbound group travel
人类命运共同体a community with a shared future for mankind
互利共赢原则the principle of pursuing shared benefits and win-win cooperation
为全球发展注入中国力量inject Chinese strength into global development
世界第一制造大国the world's largest manufacturing country
新时代的中国绿色发展China's green development in the new era
可持续发展sustainable development
高质量发展high-quality development
冷链集装箱cold-chain container
跨境货运cross-border freight transportation
应季水果seasonal fruits
问天实验舱Wentian lab module
中国空间站Chinese space station