网上展厅 | online showrooms |
网上广交会 | online Canton Fair |
绿色低碳展品 | green, low-carbon commodities |
供采对接周 | a supply and purchase matchmaking event |
先进天基太阳天文台 | Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) |
原子气体结构 | atomic gas structure |
空间望远镜 | space telescope |
观测设备 | observation apparatus |
国内国际双循环 | the "dual circulation" of domestic and overseas markets |
可再生能源 | renewable energy |
能源绿色低碳转型 | green-oriented transition of energy |
能源科技创新 | energy technology innovation |
能源低碳发展 | Low-carbon energy development |
可再生能源装机容量 | the installed capacity of renewable energy |
碳达峰 | Carbon peak |
碳中和 | carbon neutrality |
马克思主义中国化时代化新篇章 | new chapters in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times |
新时代中国特色社会主义思想 | Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
中华优秀传统文化 | China's fine traditional culture |
中国式现代化 | Chinese path to modernization |
不正当竞争 | unfair competition |
中国式现代化 | Chinese path to modernization |
专利转让许可 | patent transfers and licenses |
知识产权强国 | intellectual property rights (IPR) power |
中国共产党领导的社会主义现代化 | the socialist modernization pursued under the leadership of the CPC |
中国式现代化►是人口规模巨大的现代化►是全体人民共同富裕的现代化►是物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化►是人与自然和谐共生的现代化►是走和平发展道路的现代化 | Chinese modernization is the modernizationof a huge population,of common prosperity for all,of material and cultural-ethical advancement,of harmony between humanity and natureand of peaceful development. |
中华民族伟大复兴 | the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation |
总体国家安全观 | a holistic approach to national security |
“打虎”、“拍蝇”、“猎狐” | "take out tigers," "swat flies," and "hunt down foxes" |
全过程人民民主 | whole-process people's democracy |
马克思主义中国化时代化 | adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times |
文化欣赏 | cultural appreciation |
文化挪用 | cultural appropriation |
坚持和加强党的全面领导 | Upholding and strengthening the Party's overall leadership. |
坚持中国特色社会主义道路 | Following the path ofsocialismwith Chinesecharacteristics. |
坚持以人民为中心的发展思想 | Applying apeople-centereddevelopmentphilosophy. |
坚持深化改革开放 | Remaining committed to deepening reform and opening-up. |
坚持发扬斗争精神 | Carrying forward our fighting spirit |
中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会 | the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) |
“尊老爱幼” | 汉语成语,意思是尊敬长辈,爱护晚辈,形容人的品德良好。可以翻译为“respect the aged and cherish the young”等。众所周知,尊老爱幼是中华民族的优良传统。As weall know, respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tradition. |
“和盘托出” | 汉语成语,形容一个人毫无保留地将自己所知道的事情都说出来。可以翻译为“disclose everything,hold nothing back”等。例句:把事实真相和盘托出Disclose the whole truth |
“心领神会” | 汉语成语,意思是指对方没有明说,心里已经领会。可以翻译为“readily take a hint或understand tacitly”等。例句:他对我们的暗示已心领神会。Our hints were not lost on him. |
“含苞待放” | 汉语成语,形容花朵将要开放时的形态。也比喻将成年的少女。可以翻译为“in bud,ready to burst,in early puberty”。例句:玫瑰花正含苞待放。The roses are in bud. |
“原封不动” | 汉语成语,字面意思是原来贴的封口没有动过。比喻保持原来的样子,一点不加变动。可以翻译为“be leftintact,remain untouched”等。例句:信被原封不动地退回了。The letter was returned unopened. |