Grief and anger sweep through Buffalo a day after a racist massacre.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — A day after one of the deadliest racist massacres in recent American history, law enforcement officials in New York descended on the home of the accused gunman and delved into his mental state, as Gov. Kathy Hochul promised action on hate speech that she said was “spread like a virus.”
The suspect, Payton S. Gendron, 18, shot 13 people Saturday afternoon at a Tops supermarket in east Buffalo, killing 10, officials say. Almost all of the victims were Black.
Police said that Gendron had traveled to Buffalo the day before the shooting and had done reconnaissance on Tops market. “This is someone who had hate in their heart, soul and mind,” Gramaglia said.
Gendron, who police said wore body armor and camouflage during his spree, is believed to have posted a lengthy screed riddled with racist writings and expressing admiration for a white supremacist ideology known as replacement theory.
Some of the 13 victims were identified Sunday, including a retired Buffalo police officer, Aaron Salter Jr., 55, who worked at the grocery store as a securityguard and was being hailed as a hero for confronting the gunman, and Ruth Whitfield, an 88-year-old grandmother of eight. Celestine Chaney, 65, also died, according to her son.
The gunman targeted the Tops because of its location in a largely Black neighborhood, according to his writings and city officials. “This individual came here with the express purpose of taking as many Black lives as he could,” said Mayor Byron Brown, a Democrat who is Buffalo’s first Black mayor.
Four people were shot in the store’s parking lot and nine others inside, including Salter, who exchanged shots with the gunman, who was firing an assault weapon. The gunman was wearing heavy body armor, however, and was not wounded, according to Mark Poloncarz, the Erie County executive.
On Sunday, a patch of blood was still staining the parking lot’s asphalt, as a range of state, federal and local officers worked the scene. The blocks surrounding the location were filled with elected officials and neighborhood mourners who were searching for answers as to why the gunman had brought his hatred to their community.
Extremists motivated by racial and ethnic hatred are considered the most dangerous threat among domestic terrorists. After a spate of horrific shootings targeting people of color and Jews in 2019, the FBI elevated the threat to the highest level, meaning agents must prioritize developing confidential informants and take other steps to counter the violence.
Along with other Buffalo residents, Hochul stressed that she wanted the city to be known as a turning point in the nation’s string of gun tragedies.
第一段:BUFFALO, N.Y. — A day after one of the deadliest racist massacres in recent American history, law enforcement officials in New York descended on the home of the accused gunman and delved into his mental state, as Gov. Kathy Hochul promised action on hate speech that she said was “spread like a virus.”
参考译文: 纽约州布法罗市——在美国近代历史上最致命的种族主义屠杀事件发生一天后,纽约执法官员来到了被指控的持枪者家中,深入调查了他的精神状态,州长凯西·霍丘尔承诺,将对她所说的“像病毒一样传播”的仇恨言论采取行动。
知识点解读: 1.racist massacre:种族主义屠杀,massacre意为“大规模屠杀”,我们需要重点学习关于“杀戮”的一些不同表达:
slaughter也指像屠宰牲畜一样杀死很多人,“slaughter house”是指“屠宰场”。
kill 普通用词,泛指死亡。
murder 特指谋杀或凶杀。
execute 指依照法律判决处死罪犯,例如,“He executed a criminal shooting.他枪毙了一个罪犯。”。
2.the accused:(刑事)被告人。相对应的,“原告”的英文表达为“the plaintiff”。而“辩护人”的英文则是“the defendant”。大家一定要注意区分,在法律中用词需要十分严谨。
3.delve into:深入调查,钻研,尤其是指为了发现真相、探寻结果的调查,例如,“The professor further delves into this subject by giving a real-world example of a sunk cost.教授通过举一个沉没成本的真实例子进一步研究了这个话题。”。
4.spread like a virus:外刊上常用的非常地道的表达,形容某事“spread like a virus”就是指某事突然之间爆红,成为热门现象,另外一个词组也在外刊上非常常见,“go virus”,跟“spread like a virus”是一样的意思,例如,“Short videos quickly go virus on social media. 短视频在社交媒体上迅速走红。”
第二段:The suspect, Payton S. Gendron, 18, shot 13 people Saturday afternoon at a Tops supermarket in east Buffalo, killing 10, officials say. Almost all of the victims were Black.
参考译文: 警方称,18岁的嫌疑人佩顿·S·詹德隆(Payton S. Gendron)周六下午在东布法罗(East Buffalo)的一家托普斯超市向13人开枪,造成10人死亡。几乎所有受害者都是黑人。
1.the suspect:嫌疑人,嫌疑犯。Suspect如果作动词,则表示“怀疑;猜想”,例如,“I suspect he may have had ulterior motives for being so generous. 我怀疑他如此慷慨大方也许是别有用心。”。表示“怀疑”的还有其他两个词:
doubt,多指因证据不足还不能肯定而产生怀疑,例如,“I doubt if anyone slept that night. 我怀疑那天晚上是否有人睡过觉。”。
distrust 指猜忌,不信任,例如,“He’s so suspicious he would distrust his own brother.他这个人疑心太重, 连自己的兄弟也不相信。”。
2.victim:受害人,常见的地道表达为“fall victim to成为…的受害者”,例如,“He fell a victim to the dagger of an assassin. 他死于刺客的刀下。”。
第三段 olice said that Gendron had traveled to Buffalo the day before the shooting and had done reconnaissance on Tops market. “This is someone who had hate in their heart, soul and mind,” Gramaglia said.
参考译文: 警方表示,詹德隆在枪击前一天前往布法罗,并在托普斯超市进行了踩点。格拉马格里亚说:“这是一个内心、灵魂和思想都充满仇恨的人。”
hate:v&n,表示“仇恨”,在表达“种族仇恨”时,我们一般不用这个词,相反,我们会表达成“racial hatred 种族仇恨”,“hatreds”是名词,表示“憎恨;怨恨;敌意”,例如,“A hateful person is one that arouses feelings of hatred in you.可憎之人就是会使你产生憎恨之情的人。”。
第四段:Gendron, who police said wore body armor and camouflage during his spree, is believed to have posted a lengthy screed riddled with racist writings and expressing admiration for a white supremacist ideology known as replacement theory.
参考译文: 警方称,詹德隆在行凶时身穿防弹衣和迷彩服,据信他张贴了一张冗长的横幅,上面写满了种族主义文章,并表达了对被称为替代理论的白人至上主义意识形态的钦佩。
1.body armor:防弹衣。这个表达是十分生动形象的,也是十分地道的表达,例如,“Knights fought in armor.骑士穿着盔甲打仗。”。
第五段:Some of the 13 victims were identified Sunday, including a retired Buffalo police officer, Aaron Salter Jr., 55, who worked at the grocery store as a security guard and was being hailed as a hero for confronting the gunman, and Ruth Whitfield, an 88-year-old grandmother of eight. Celestine Chaney, 65, also died, according to her son.
参考译文: 周日确认了13名受害者中的一些人的身份,其中包括55岁的退休布法罗警察亚伦·索尔特(Aaron Salter Jr.)和露丝·惠特菲尔德(Ruth Whitfield),前者在杂货店担任保安,因与枪手对峙而被誉为英雄,后者是八个孩子的祖母,已经88岁。据她的儿子说,65岁的塞莱斯汀·切尼也去世了。
1.hail:常见的意思为“冰雹”,但是这里取它的动词意思“招呼,致敬”,“be hailed as”则表示“被誉为…”,通常用来赞美某人的成就,例如,“he was hailed as a hero. 他被誉为英雄.”。
2.confront: vt. 遭遇;比较;面对,通常指遇到困难或挫折,也指偶然或意外地相遇。在写作中是一个非常好用的词,可以用来替代“face”,例如,“I am confronted with many difficulties》我面临很多困难。”。
第六段:The gunman targeted the Tops because of its location in a largely Black neighborhood, according to his writings and city officials. “This individual came here with the express purpose of taking as many Black lives as he could,” said Mayor Byron Brown, a Democrat who is Buffalo’s first Black mayor.
参考译文: 根据他发布的文章和市政府官员的说法,持枪歹徒之所以将目标对托普斯,是因为托普斯位于一个黑人聚居区。布法罗市首任黑人市长、民主党人拜伦·布朗市长表示:“这个人来到这里的明确目就是尽可能多地夺走黑人的生命。”。
知识点解读: take one's life:取某人的命,是一种比较野蛮和口语化的表达。
第七段:Four people were shot in the store’s parking lot and nine others inside, including Salter, who exchanged shots with the gunman, who was firing an assault weapon. The gunman was wearing heavy body armor, however, and was not wounded, according to Mark Poloncarz, the Erie County executive.
参考译文: 四人在商店停车场被枪杀,另有九人在店内被枪杀,其中包括索尔特,索尔特与持枪歹徒交火,后者当时正在使用攻击性武器。然而,据伊利县执行官马克·波隆卡兹(Mark Poloncarz)称,枪手身穿重型防弹衣,并没有受伤。
1.parking lot:停车场,是一个文化用词,千万别用“parking place”来描述停车场,会贻笑大方。
2.exchange:交换、交流,常见的固定表达有“cultural exchange 文化交流”和“in exchange for 作为…的交换”。
3.assault:突然而猛烈的进攻、侵犯,“性犯罪”的表达为“sexual assault”,人身攻击的表达为“assault and battery”。
第八段:On Sunday, a patch of blood was still staining the parking lot’s asphalt, as a range of state, federal and local officers worked the scene. The blocks surrounding the location were filled with elected officials and neighborhood mourners who were searching for answers as to why the gunman had brought his hatred to their community.
参考译文: 周日,停车场的沥青地面上仍残留着一片血迹,一群州、联邦和地方官员在现场工作。该地点周围的街区挤满了当选官员和社区哀悼者,他们正在探寻枪手将仇恨带到社区的原因。
1.stain:沾污;败坏;给…着色。Stain这个词在这里的使用十分生动,描绘出了“地面血迹斑斑”的感觉,“血痕”还可以表示为“blood stain”.
2.a patch of:一片…,例如,“He had a patch on the elbow of his jacket.他的上衣肘部有一块补丁。”。
第九段:Extremists motivated by racial and ethnic hatred are considered the most dangerous threat among domestic terrorists. After a spate of horrific shootings targeting people of color and Jews in 2019, the FBI elevated the threat to the highest level, meaning agents must prioritize developing confidential informants and take other steps to counter the violence.
参考译文: 出于种族和族裔仇恨动机的极端分子被认为是国内恐怖分子中最危险的威胁。2019年发生了一系列针对有色人种和犹太人的恐怖枪击事件后,FBI将威胁提升到了最高级别,这意味着特工必须优先发展机密线人,并采取其他措施打击暴力。
1.elevate sth to the highest level:使…升至最高水平,经济领域也常用此来描述价格/量的高涨。
2.counter:作名词时为“柜台”,作动词时为“对抗”,原文取后者的意思。常用的表达有“run counter to”,意为“与…背道而驰”,例如,“The decision ran counter to previous government commitments.这个决定违背了政府以前所作的承诺。”
第十段:Along with other Buffalo residents, Hochul stressed that she wanted the city to be known as a turning point in the nation’s string of gun tragedies.
参考译文: 和其他布法罗居民一样,霍楚尔强调,希望这座城市成为美国一连串枪击悲剧的转折点。
知识点解读: a turning point:转折点,商务英语描述图表中必备的一个词组,大家注意积累。