
[考研资料] 【外刊精读】墨西哥的犯罪问题现状









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发表于 2022-7-24 09:44:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Mexico’s shame

The numbers let alone a peaceful democracy. In May Mexico’s official tally would be shocking in a war-torn dictatorship, of missing people exceeded 100,000. That cumulative total does not include those who have subsequently been found, either alive or dead. Some 52,000 unidentified corpses lie inmorgues across the country. Hardly any cases result in justice for the victims or their families.

The root of the problem is drug prohibition. Narcotics are popular but illegal nearly everywhere. Mexico has a long land border with the United States, the world’s biggest market. Control of smuggling routes generates vast profits, which criminal gangs fight to control. Some seek to intimidate rivals by dumping fresh corpses in the street. But most prefer a more discreet approach. Victims are abducted, murdered and buried in lonely patches of desert. All their families know is that they have a hole in their midst.

The problem is getting worse. Each day 25 people are reported missing, up from one a day in 2006. Some 80% of reported disappearances have occurred since that year. The pace at which Mexicans went missing rose sharply after Felipe Calderón, president from 2006 to 2012, stepped upthe war on drugs by sending the army to fight criminal gangs and kill their leaders. The newly leaderless gangs splintered: the number of criminal groups more than doubled between 2010 and 2020. With more gangs fighting over the same turf, the number of murders soared—and so did the number of unsolved disappearances.

These are a symptom of the impunity enjoyed by Mexico’s criminal underworld, as is the state’s failure to investigate them properly. The victims are mostly poor, and many are gangsters. Voters and officials have long dismissed them as people who chose “the wrong path”, though plenty were witnesses or, increasingly, women who were kidnapped and trafficked. The only people who have doggedly tried to find the disappeared are their mothers. Groups of relatives have clubbed together to interview witnesses, search for mass graves and fill the gap left by an indifferent state. It was only after 43 student teachers vanished in 2014 (and were apparently murdered with the collusion of corrupt officials) that the government set up a national commission to search for missing people and required police to accept reports of disappearances promptly.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico’s president since 2018, has taken a different approach to the drug war, which has also failed. Under the slogan “hugs not bullets”, he has told the army not to confront drug gangs. In effect, he has left them to get on with their business. The violence has intensified and the pace of disappearances has increased. In May the government passed a law to set up a forensic centre and national dna database to identify bodies of the missing. Mr López Obrador has increased the National Search Commission’s budget, but at $37m a year it is just 1% of what he is spending on a new tourist railway in 2022.

Until the United States legalises drugs, Mexico will always have a gang problem. Yet it could reduce the harm if it did more to end impunity for murder. A good start would be to investigate every disappearance properly. That means hiring more forensic experts, building more laboratories and cleaning out corrupt police forces. By one estimate it could take 35 years just to clear the backlog of unidentified bodies. The time to start is now.

第一段:The numbers let alone a peaceful democracy. In May Mexico’s official tally would be shocking in a war-torn dictatorship, of missing people exceeded 100,000. That cumulative total does not include those who have subsequently been found, either alive or dead. Some 52,000 unidentified corpses lie inmorgues across the country. Hardly any cases result in justice for the victims or their families.



1.let alone:更不用说,有“进一步比较”之意,例如,“He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements. 他吃饭的钱都不够,更不用说娱乐了。”

2.Democracy:民主,外刊上常用的表达有“liberal democracy 自由民主”和“representative democracy 代议民主”,例句有,“It is a holy work to emblematize and stick up for peace, the respect of life, freedom, democracy, the virtuous harmoniousness and love for ever.人类关于和平、关于尊重生命、关于自由民主、关于贞和、关于爱的憧憬是永恒的。” Democracy的形容词形式为democratic,常用的表达非常多,例如,“democratic party (美)民主党”;“democratic state 民主国家”;“democratic leadership 民主领导”和“democratic government民主政制”等。

与“民主”相对的“独裁专政”在英文中的表达也就是下文的“dictatorship”,例如,“the fascist dictatorship法西斯独裁统治”,其形容词形式为“dictatory”.

3.war-torn:饱受战争摧残的,“-”在英文中是非常常用的形容词构词法,例如,“violence-torn 饱受暴力折磨的”和“poverty-torn 穷困潦倒的”。

4.exceed:超过,超越,常见的表达为“exceed in 在…方面超过”,搭配的借此为“in”,千万别记混了,例如,“Itis dangerous to exceed the recommended dose. 超过建议使用的剂量会有危险。”

5.Corpse:尸体,解剖学专业术语,例如,“He identified the corpse as the criminal hunted after. 他认出那具尸体就是那个被追捕的罪犯。”普通表达为“dead body”。


第二段:The root of the problem is drug prohibition. Narcotics are popular but illegal nearly everywhere. Mexico has a long land border with the United States, the world’s biggest market. Control of smuggling routes generates vast profits, which criminal gangs fight to control. Some seek to intimidate rivals by dumping fresh corpses in the street. But most prefer a more discreet approach. Victims are abducted, murdered and buried in lonely patches of desert. All their families know is that they have a hole in their midst.



1.drug prohibition:禁毒,这是一个地道的表达,“drug”除了表达“药品”之外,还有“毒品”的意思。


3.Smuggle: 偷运, 走私,例如,“Opium was smuggled seriously in the late Qing Dynasty. 清朝末期鸦片走私严重。”

4.generates vast profits:产生巨大的利益。

5.criminal gang:犯罪团伙,犯罪集团,非常地道的英语表达,“gang”常常是指“一帮有组织的犯罪团伙”外刊上常见的表达还有“gang war 打群架;聚众斗殴”和“street gang 街头匪帮”。“一群”可用“a gang of”表达,例如,“A gang of delinquents harried the storekeeper. 一群街头流氓不断骚扰店主。”

6.Intimidate:恐吓,例如,“The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.那帮歹徒企图恐吓银行经理。”

7.Dump:作动词时表示“倾倒”,外刊上的“倾销”即“dumping”,“反倾销”即“anti-dumping”。作名词时表示“垃圾场”,例如,“garbage dump 垃圾场;垃圾堆”。

8.Abduct:劫持,绑架,例如,“Tens of thousands of women and girls were abducted.成千上万的妇女和女孩被绑架。”

第三段:The problem is getting worse. Each day 25 people are reported missing, up from one a day in 2006. Some 80% of reported disappearances have occurred since that year. The pace at which Mexicans went missing rose sharply after Felipe Calderón, president from 2006 to 2012, stepped upthe war on drugs by sending the army to fight criminal gangs and kill their leaders. The newly leaderless gangs splintered: the number of criminal groups more than doubled between 2010 and 2020. With more gangs fighting over the same turf, the number of murders soared—and so did the number of unsolved disappearances.



1.stepped up the war:催化战争,使战争加速。

2.splinter:作名词时表示“碎片”,例如,“The girl had a splinter (of wood) in her toe. 这个女孩的脚趾上有一块(木头)碎片。”作动词时表示“使成碎片”,外刊上常用其引申义“四分五裂”,例如本文,“The newly leaderless gangs splintered. 新成立的无头目帮派四分五裂。”

第四段:These are a symptom of the impunity enjoyed by Mexico’s criminal underworld, as is the state’s failure to investigate them properly. The victims are mostly poor, and many are gangsters. Voters and officials have long dismissed them as people who chose “the wrong path”, though plenty were witnesses or, increasingly, women who were kidnapped and trafficked. The only people who have doggedly tried to find the disappeared are their mothers. Groups of relatives have clubbed together to interview witnesses, search for mass graves and fill the gap left by an indifferent state. It was only after 43 student teachers vanished in 2014 (and were apparently murdered with the collusion of corrupt officials) that the government set up a national commission to search for missing people and required police to accept reports of disappearances promptly.


1.impunity:免于惩罚,其动词为“punish”,(punish的名词形式为publishment),例如,“They were justly punished. 他们得到应有的惩罚。

2.criminal underworld:黑社会,使非常地道的英文表达,下次再看到“黑社会”的时候千万别再翻译成“black society”了。

3.kidnap:绑架,例如,“She had been doped and kidnapped. 她被人下了蒙汗药后遭绑架。”

4.traffick: 非法交易,尤其是指“贩卖人口”,常说的“人贩子”在英文中的表达为“trafficker”.

5.missing people:失踪人口,表达前置定语“失踪的”只能用“missing”,不可以用“missed”.

6.Prompt:作形容词时表示“立即的,即时的”,例如,“prompt payment 立即付款”。作动词时表示“促进”,例如,“He was prompted by patriotism.他为爱国心所驱使。”

第五段:Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico’s president since 2018, has taken a different approach to the drug war, which has also failed. Under the slogan “hugs not bullets”, he has told the army not to confront drug gangs. In effect, he has left them to get on with their business. The violence has intensified and the pace of disappearances has increased. In May the government passed a law to set up a forensic centre and national dna database to identify bodies of the missing. Mr López Obrador has increased the National Search Commission’s budget, but at $37m a year it is just 1% of what he is spending on a new tourist railway in 2022.

参考译文:2018年以来担任墨西哥总统的安德烈·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥布拉多(Andrés Manuel López Obrador)对毒品战争采取了不同的做法,但这场战争也失败了。在“拥抱而非子弹”的口号下,他告诉军队不要对抗贩毒集团。事实上,他让贩毒团伙继续经营业务。于是暴力加剧,人口失踪的速度加快。5月,政府通过了一项法律,建立一个法医中心和国家DNA数据库,以识别失踪人员的尸体。洛佩斯·奥布拉多先生增加了国家搜索委员会的预算,但每年3700万美元的预算仅为他2022年新建旅游铁路支出的1%。


1.get on with their business:正常经营,也就是经济学上的“存续”。

2.intensify:增强,加剧,例如,“The conflict is almost bound to intensify. 冲突几乎注定会加剧。”

3.pass a law:通过律法。

第六段:Until the United States legalises drugs, Mexico will always have a gang problem. Yet it could reduce the harm if it did more to end impunity for murder. A good start would be to investigate every disappearance properly. That means hiring more forensic experts, building more laboratories and cleaning out corrupt police forces. By one estimate it could take 35 years just to clear the backlog of unidentified bodies. The time to start is now.



1.forensic:辩论的;法院的;惯用的表达有“forensic medicine 法医学”, “forensic test 法医化验”和“forensic science 法医学”.

2.cleaning out corrupt police forces:清理腐败的警察队伍。“force”在政经上经常表示“队伍、力量”,例如,“economic forces 经济力量”。

3.backlog:积压未完成的事情,例如,“A huge backlog of work had built up. 一大堆工作积压了起来。”


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