
[考研资料] 【外刊精读】世界的动态变化









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发表于 2022-8-29 10:11:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Is the World Really Falling Apart,
or Does It Just Feel That Way?

Scanning the headlines, it’s easy to conclude that something has broken. The pandemic. Accelerating crises from climate change. Global grain shortage. Russia's war on Ukraine. Political and economic meltdown in Sri Lanka. A former prime minister’s assassination in Japan. And, in the United States: inflation, mass shootings, a reckoning over Jan. 6 and collapsing abortion rights.

That sense of chaos can be difficult to square with longer-term data showing that, on many metrics, the world is generally becoming better off.

War is rarer today, by some measures, than it has been for most of the past 50 years — and, when it does occur, is significantly less deadly. Genocides and mass atrocities are less common all the time, too. Life expectancy, literacy and standards of living have all risen to historic highs. So steadily declining in recent decades: hunger, child mortality, and extreme poverty, liberating hundreds of millions from what are, by sheer numbers, among the pre-eminent threats facing humanity.

So why does it often feel like, despite all the data, things are only getting worse?There are a few reasons for this seeming disparity— some more reassuring than others — not to mention one important measure: the state of democracy, by which the world is not improving at all. The ways in which the world is most significantly improving tend to be gradual, unfolding over generations.

Hundreds of millions might live healthier and safer lives than their parents did. But those often subtle changes will lift entire societies at a time, making it harder for individuals to notice the change. We tend to judge how we are doing compared to those around us, or compared to our own recent past— not compared to abstract benchmarks or previous generations.

And many of the positive changes are about prevention. No one notices the wars that don’t happen, the family members who aren’t claimed by disease, the children who don’t die in infancy. And thanks to the internet, with news consumption far greater than it once was, even those who live far from crises now live in a digital world of constant, dire updates. A major story, like a mass shooting or the war in Ukraine, can feel ever-present in our lives.

If your social media feeds and home screens serve up a steady stream of calamities, they can feed an overwhelming— if sometimes misplaced— sense of threat, as if the world itself were caving in. When people express that they’re feeling as if the world is falling apart, they are not talking about long-view metrics like life expectancy. Rather, they tend to sense that humanity is besieged by upheaval and emergencies to a degree that it has not been before.

第一段:Scanning the headlines, it’s easy to conclude that something has broken. The pandemic. Accelerating crises from climate change. Global grain shortage. Russia's war on Ukraine. Political and economic meltdown in Sri Lanka. A former prime minister’s assassination in Japan. And, in the United States: inflation, mass shootings, a reckoning over Jan. 6 and collapsing abortion rights.



1.Scan:本义是仔细地检查分析,现用于指细看浏览。例如,“The detective scanned every bit of evidence. 侦探仔细检查了每一样证据。” 常见的表达有“bone scan 骨骼扫描”、“scan code 扫描码”和“progressive scan 逐行扫描”,与scan意思相近的词语有如下,大家要注意区分:

Examine:可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观查以确定事物的性质和功能等,例如,“Then examine your mind for whatever is distressing you, regardless of how much or how little you think it is doing so. 然后省察内心任何令你苦恼的事,不论苦恼多大或多小。”

Inspect:侧重按某些标准检查某物,找出不足或者不同之处,例如,“He revealed that professionals inspect the heavy machinery in the lab every two or three weeks to see whether anything needs to be replaced. 他透露到,每隔两到三周专业人员会对实验室中的重型机械进行检查,以确保是否需要更换某些零件。”

Investigate:指为发现事实真相了解掌握情况而进行深入细致的现场考,例如,“He says he is confident about his own integrity, and hopes the judicial system will quickly investigate the matter. 他也强调对自己的操守有信心,希望司法尽快侦办。”

2.grain shortage:粮食短缺,还可以表达为“a shortage of grain”和“food shortage”。表示“短缺”的词语还有如下,大家要注意积累:

destitute of:“They were destitute of necessaries of life. 他们缺少生活必需品。”

Absence/devoid of:“Due to the absence of/devoid of medical supplies, health-care staff were once plunged into desperation由于缺乏医疗用品,医护人员一度陷入绝望。”

scarcity of:“If there was a scarcity of anything, prices of that thing went up. 如果什么物品短缺,那种物品的价格就会上涨。”

3.economic meltdown:经济崩溃,是非常地道的表达,相当于“Economic collapse”、“economic crash”和“financial ruin”。

mass shootings:大规模射击事件,例如,“Additionally, Congress continues to examine possible firearms restrictions in the wake of mass-shootings that shocked the nation. 此外,在枪击案震惊全国后国会会继续检查可能的枪支管制措施。”

第二段:That sense of chaos can be difficult to square with longer-term data showing that, on many metrics, the world is generally becoming better off.



1.square with:与……一致,相吻合,例如,“In present day English new linguistic facts abound which do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar.在当代英语中有许多新的语言现象,这些现象并不总是符合公认的语法规则的。”

better off:变好,例如,“We 're a lot better off today than we were a year ago.相比一年以前,今天的我们好了很多。”相对应的反义词为“worse off”,大家可以对比学习。

第三段:War is rarer today, by some measures, than it has been for most of the past 50 years — and, when it does occur, is significantly less deadly. Genocides and mass atrocities are less common all the time, too. Life expectancy, literacy and standards of living have all risen to historic highs. So steadily declining in recent decades: hunger, child mortality, and extreme poverty, liberating hundreds of millions from what are, by sheer numbers, among the pre-eminent threats facing humanity.



1.Life expectancy:预期寿命,相当于“Life span”,例如,“But when you informed me of her life expectancy, I also knew that her real grandson wasn't going to make it in time.但是当你告知我她的生命将近,我也知道了她真正的孙子肯定不能及时赶到了。”

rise to historic highs:创历史新高,是一个非常地道的表达。

第四段:So why does it often feel like, despite all the data, things are only getting worse?There are a few reasons for this seeming disparity— some more reassuring than others — not to mention one important measure: the state of democracy, by which the world is not improving at all. The ways in which the world is most significantly improving tend to be gradual, unfolding over generations.


disparity:差异性,不一致,例如,“Her parents are concerned about her relationship with a man of such a disparity of age and experience.她的父母关心她与一位年龄和经验悬殊的男子来往。”

第五段:Hundreds of millions might live healthier and safer lives than their parents did. But those often subtle changes will lift entire societies at a time, making it harder for individuals to notice the change. We tend to judge how we are doing compared to those around us, or compared to our own recent past— not compared to abstract benchmarks or previous generations.



subtle changes:微妙改变、潜移默化的改变,例如,“Did not pay attention to the music piece where the kind of thinking brought me subtle changes.并没有留意曲子里的乐思给我带来的那种潜移默化的改变。”和“Gran are keenly aware of each other's emotions, being able to judge disposition through subtle changes of body heat and skin color.格兰人对彼此的感情很敏感,能透过体温和肤色的细微变化体察对方的性情。”

第六段:And many of the positive changes are about prevention. No one notices the wars that don’t happen, the family members who aren’t claimed by disease, the children who don’t die in infancy. And thanks to the internet, with news consumption far greater than it once was, even those who live far from crises now live in a digital world of constant, dire updates. A major story, like a mass shooting or the war in Ukraine, can feel ever-present in our lives.



1.be claimed by:被夺去生命,尤其是指灾难等。

2.dire:极其严重的、糟糕的,例如,“Yet despite the anger, the economic consequences of expensive fuel might not be as dire as is often assumed.然后尽管愤怒,昂贵燃油价格带来的经济结果可能未必像大家想的那样糟糕。”

有两个非常地道的表达为“in dire need of”和“in dire straits”,意为“急需”和“困境”,例如,“Now that father's lost his job, we're in dire straits.父亲失业了, 我们陷入了极大困。”

第七段:If your social media feeds and home screens serve up a steady stream of calamities, they can feed an overwhelming— if sometimes misplaced— sense of threat, as if the world itself were caving in. When people express that they’re feeling as if the world is falling apart, they are not talking about long-view metrics like life expectancy. Rather, they tend to sense that humanity is besieged by upheaval and emergencies to a degree that it has not been before.




2.sense of threat:受威胁感,sense of+n表示“……的感受”,例如,“sense of achievement 成就感”。

3.be besieged by: 陷入包围,例如,“The city was besieged by the enemy for a few days. 这座城市被敌人围困了几天。”


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