
[考研资料] 【外刊精读】摆烂真的对吗?









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发表于 2022-10-21 09:52:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

There’s a Better Way to Reclaim
Your Time Than ‘Quiet Quitting’

This summer, there was much discussion of the concept of “quiet quitting”— meaning, essentially, doing the bare minimum at work. And perhaps that’s not surprising: After more than two years of pandemic uncertainty, employee stress levels are at all-time highs, and people are still languishing. When you’re exhausted and overwhelmed, it feels like something needs to give— and for many, that seems to be the pursuit of excellence at work.

But is taking your foot off the gas the answer? I’d argue it isn’t. As a writer focused on time management, I’ve come to realize that the opposite of burnout isn’t doing nothing, or even scaling back. It’s engagement. As counterintuitive as that seems, adding energizing activities to your schedule just might make life feel more doable.

We each have the same 168 hours every week. But time is also all about the stories we tell ourselves. When life is full of have-to-dos, with only brief periods of downtime in between, we can feel beaten down by responsibilities. But add things we actually want to do, to compete with those have-to-dos, and time feels different. We feel a bit more in control of our lives.

Put simply, when we put time into what we find energizing, our inner narrative changes. We no longer feel like life is a slog.

That was certainly the case for Kathleen Paley, a mother of two and a lawyer at a firm in Washington, D.C., who I interviewed for my book. She said that she had gone through a dark period of feeling that her whole being was consumed by work and family. She described a sense, familiar to many working parents, that “every bit of you, as an individual, has to be put on the back burner for a while.”

But instead of quiet quitting, loud quitting or phoning it in at home, Ms. Paley took on something she was passionate about: She began volunteering with the Fairfax City Economic Development Authority, doing projects that were completely different from her job and family responsibilities. She helped organize Restaurant Week in Fairfax and figured out ways to promote its small business incubator.

To be sure, there’s no reason to cram things into your schedule out of a sense of obligation, and depleting pursuits should be eschewed. But when you’re feeling overwhelmed, committing time to something that feels wonderful could be a better bet than simply doing less.

第一段:This summer, there was much discussion of the concept of “quiet quitting”— meaning, essentially, doing the bare minimum at work. And perhaps that’s not surprising: After more than two years of pandemic uncertainty, employee stress levels are at all-time highs, and people are still languishing. When you’re exhausted and overwhelmed, it feels like something needs to give— and for many, that seems to be the pursuit of excellence at work.

参考译文:今年夏天,"摆烂 "这个概念受到了很多的讨论——“摆烂”从本质上来说,就是在工作中只做最低限度的量。也许这并不令人惊讶。疫情这两年带来了很多的不确定性,员工的压力水平处于历史最高水平,人们仍在苦苦挣扎。当你筋疲力尽、不堪重负时,会感觉需要舍弃一些东西——而对许多人来说,舍弃的这个东西似乎就是在工作中追求卓越。


1.quiet quitting:工作懈怠,类似于我们常说的“摆烂”、“躺平”,其英文释义为“Quiet quitting refers to doing the minimum requirements of one’s job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary. As such, it is something of a misnomer, since the worker doesn’t actually leave their position and continues to collect a salary.”

2.pandemic uncertainty:由疫情所带来的不确定性,这里是一个翻译的注意点,不能直译成“疫情不确定性”,而是要根据具体的意思把内容表达出来。

3.be at all-time highs:史上最高纪录,其单数形式为“at an all-time high”,例如,“In 1996 the number of accidents in macao , involving private cars , soared to an all-time high. 1996年,在澳门,私家车的交通意外数字创了新高,保险公司需要支付大的赔偿金额。”除了用“be”以外,还可以用“hit”,即“hit an all-time high”.

第二段:But is taking your foot off the gas the answer? I’d argue it isn’t. As a writer focused on time management, I’ve come to realize that the opposite of burnout isn’t doing nothing, or even scaling back. It’s engagement. As counterintuitive as that seems, adding energizing activities to your schedule just might make life feel more doable.



1.take your foot off the gas:是“quiet quitting”的另一种表达,其剑桥释义为“to do something with less effort and determination”,例如,“Staff tend to wind down on Fridays if there aren't pressing deadlines - people take their foot off the gas. 如果没有紧迫的截止日期,员工往往会在星期五放松——也就是常说的职业倦怠。”

2.counterintuitive:“counter-”是一个否定前缀,“intuitive”是“凭直觉获知的”,所以“counterintuitive”就是“违背直觉的”,类似的词还有“attack 攻击”,“counterattack”则为“反攻”。


第三段:We each have the same 168 hours every week. But time is also all about the stories we tell ourselves. When life is full of have-to-dos, with only brief periods of downtime in between, we can feel beaten down by responsibilities. But add things we actually want to do, to compete with those have-to-dos, and time feels different. We feel a bit more in control of our lives.




2.feel beaten down by:被…..击溃/压垮;感受崩溃,相当于“be broken down by”,例如,“He was finally feel beaten down by his miserable life.苦难的生活最终击溃了他。”

3.We feel a bit more in control of our lives:这是一句非常自然且地道的表达,大家可以在写作中做相应的表达替换。

第四段:Put simply, when we put time into what we find energizing, our inner narrative changes. We no longer feel like life is a slog.



1.slog:埋头苦干;坚持不懈地做,例如,“I’ve slogged my guts out digging this ditch, and I’m completely exhausted. 我拚了老命挖这条沟,现在累得要死。”这个单词有一个地道的表达叫做“slog it out”,意为“一决雌雄”。

第五段:That was certainly the case for Kathleen Paley, a mother of two and a lawyer at a firm in Washington, D.C., who I interviewed for my book. She said that she had gone through a dark period of feeling that her whole being was consumed by work and family. She described a sense, familiar to many working parents, that “every bit of you, as an individual, has to be put on the back burner for a while.”

参考译文:凯瑟琳·帕利就是这样的一个情况。她是两个孩子的母亲,也是华盛顿特区一家公司的律师,我为我的书采访了她。她说,她经历了一段黑暗的时期,感觉自己整个人都被工作和家庭吞噬。她描述了一种许多职场父母都熟悉的感觉,即 "作为一个人,你的每一点都必须暂时被置于次要的位置上"。


1.go through a dark period:经历了一段黑暗的时期,可以引申为“熬过困顿的时光”,另一个表达也很常见,即“go through fire and water赴汤蹈火/出生入死”。

on the back burner:英文常见俚语,表达“放在次要位置”,例如,“I love him a lot, but he put me on the back burner. 我很爱他,但是他把我放在了次要位置。”

第六段:But instead of quiet quitting, loud quitting or phoning it in at home, Ms. Paley took on something she was passionate about: She began volunteering with the Fairfax City Economic Development Authority, doing projects that were completely different from her job and family responsibilities. She helped organize Restaurant Week in Fairfax and figured out ways to promote its small business incubator.



1.loud quitting:对应“quiet quitting”,类似于“甩手不干”的意思,英文上的“quitting time”就是我们常说的“下班时间”。

2.passionate:充满激情的,常见的表达为“be passionate about”,其同义替换有“fervent, ardent, zealous, avid, obsessive” ,大家要注意积累。

第七段:To be sure, there’s no reason to cram things into your schedule out of a sense of obligation, and depleting pursuits should be eschewed. But when you’re feeling overwhelmed, committing time to something that feels wonderful could be a better bet than simply doing less.



1.cram into:塞满,例如,“Children were crammed into the back of the car.孩子们被塞进了车子的后座。” “cram”一次还有“考试临时抱佛脚、死记硬背”的意思,例如,“She crammed for her final exam.她死记硬背以应付期末考试。”

2.out of (a sense of):出于……的理由,例如,“Out of sympathy, I took him in. 出于同情,我收留了他。”

3.eschew:避开,避免,相当于“avoid”,例如,“A wise person eschews bad company.智者远离恶人。”


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